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Assessing the Student Demand for Degrees & Programs

The 2022 EducationDynamics eLearning Index represents a comprehensive presentation of prospective student demand through two indices focusing on labor demand and student demand. The core indices drive the analyses and result in the identification of degrees with high student interest and opportunity for growth, as well as occupational outcomes with high job volume and opportunity for growth. The result? Actionable data that identifies demand for a given degree program among prospective students as well as the future labor market.

This report is a key resource for understanding the supply and demand dynamics of the current postsecondary education market. Forward-thinking schools can apply this valuable data to aid in decision-making on the roll-out of new programs as well as the expansion of existing programs. 

Download the full report and begin developing career-ready programs to meet the student demand.

What's in the Report?

In this report, prospective student behavior and labor market trends were examined to ascertain the most popular degree programs today and those that may offer colleges and universities the best opportunities for future program development and growth.

You'll learn:

  • The most popular degrees and programs
  • The degrees and programs that experienced growth or contraction in interest among prospective students
  • Program opportunities for expansion in the future
  • Student demand among overall degree subject fields
  • Labor demand among bachelor's level occupations 

About the Report

The eLearning Index is an insightful look into the latest trends in student demands and program availability. This report contains select secondary research and proprietary analysis pertaining to the higher education industry, labor market statistics and key benchmarks.  ​The eLearning Index is here to help higher education leaders better understand the most popular areas of study relative to what’s available and take away the opportunity to develop career-ready programs to meet the student demand.